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Patent & Trademark Appeals Board Boardside Chat - a Patent & Trademark Resource Center event

Patent & Trademark Appeals Board Boardside Chat - a Patent & Trademark Resource Center event Virtual

Join the next Boardside Chat webinar on Thursday, January 28, from noon to 1 p.m. ET, for a discussion about recent developments for American Invents Act (AIA) trials.

Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) judges will cover:

  1. Final rules related to institution of trials, including elimination of the presumption at institution that a genuine issue of material fact is viewed in the light most favorable to the petitioner;
  2. Final rules concerning the burdens of persuasion in motions to amend;
  3. New precedential decisions related to the application of the Fintiv factors and the need to conduct a real-party-in-interest analysis at institution; and
  4. The indefiniteness standard to be applied by the Board in AIA trials.

Deputy Chief Judge Jackie Bonilla, Vice Chief Judge Mike Tierney, and Lead Judge Kal Deshpande will present.

The webinar is free and open to all. There will be a Q&A session at the end. Please send questions in advance or during the webinar to PTABBoardsideChat@uspto.gov.

More information, including the webinar access information, is available on the PTAB Boardside Chat page of the USPTO website.

Thursday, January 28, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Central Library - This is a VIRTUAL program.
Online/Virtual Program
This is a virtual program. Event URL: https://www.uspto.gov/patents/ptab/procedures/2020-ptab-boardside-chat
